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Metro Times Article Talks About JazzStage Productions


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It's one of those deep-of-winter snowstorms. There may be a chill in the air, but Longview Sound studio in Rochester Hills -- where three-quarters of the team behind the Internet show called Detroit Jazz Stage are working -- proves to be an extremely warm and welcoming environment.

The studio is owned and operated by Mark Byerly, an affable and laid-back guy who speaks in thoughtful and well-paced phrases, not unlike his trumpet playing. Dean Sahutske, a friendly and personable gent, handles the lion's share of technical responsibilities for designing and maintaining the Web site and Podcasts. And Rodney Reeves is one of the co-hosts of the program. A pianist and educator, his subtle humor is infectious -- and his knowledge and deep respect for Detroit and all things jazz quickly becomes apparent. “Dean had the idea to do a show on public access cable about Detroit jazz and he approached me about it," explains Reeves. “At the time, I was between jobs and looking for something fun to do. This was around 2005, and I had a friend in the software industry who told me about Podcasting...

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