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Jazz Articles about Judith Holton

Album Review

Sun Ra: At The Showcase (Live In Chicago, 1976-1977)

Read "At The Showcase (Live In Chicago, 1976-1977)" reviewed by Mike Jurkovic

It is an unchallenged law of nature that wherever or whoever anyone happens to be when they encounter Sun Ra, they are certain to be somewhere and someone else after the meeting. That holds especially true of Sun Ra at the Showcase: Live in Chicago. Captured during two barn-burning performances at the Windy City's venerable Showcase Club in '76 and '77, this limited 2-LP, 2 CD set--released by the equally venerable Zev Feldman's Jazz Detective label to celebrate ...

Album Review

Sun Ra: At The Showcase (Live In Chicago, 1976-1977)

Read "At The Showcase (Live In Chicago, 1976-1977)" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

Embark on a cosmic odyssey with Sun Ra and his Arkestra as they unveil At the Showcase Live in Chicago 1976-1977, a celestial offering dripping with mystique and intrigue. This transcendent collection not only unveils previously unreleased tracks but also grants access to the legendary Showcase Lounge, overseen by the venerable Joe Segal. Complemented by a captivating booklet featuring insights from Marshall Allen and reflections from jazz luminaries like David Murray and Matthew Shipp, this album becomes a veritable treasure ...

Album Review

Sun Ra: At The Showcase (Live In Chicago, 1976-1977)

Read "At The Showcase (Live In Chicago, 1976-1977)" reviewed by Troy Dostert

Describing the music of Sun Ra is always challenging--perhaps even more so when it is documented on a live recording. A case in point is this offering from the Jazz Detective label, a substantial slice of Ra taken from two concerts at Chicago's Jazz Showcase in the mid-'70s. It can be dense and opaque, even impenetrable at times. But it also swings mightily, with a generous big-band sound which should appeal to all but the most closed-minded jazz listeners. It ...


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