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Jazz Articles about Ivan Bejkov

Album Review

Saso Popovski: Steps

Read "Steps" reviewed by Nenad Georgievski

Steps is a sublime, gentle and captivating journey into the realm of jazz guitar, reminiscent of the great Kenny Burrell and Bill Frisell but with its own unique flavor. For fans of classical jazz guitars, characterized by their sublime and slow melodies, this album is a must-listen. Saso Popovski, an accomplished guitarist and manager of the Bitola Jazz Festival, brings forth a concept deeply rooted in the constant variation of melodies, emphasizing sound, textures, interaction, and space. Backed ...

Album Review

Sasho Popovski Trio: Fallen Land

Read "Fallen Land" reviewed by Nenad Georgievski

Is it necessary for jazz to be complex, challenging or boundaries busting in order to be considered “good"? Not necessarily. What is characteristic for guitarist and composer Sasho Popovski's seven compositions on Fallen Land is an emotional thread that runs through the mostly introspective, artfully executed performances and makes the tracks cohere. While the title refers to Popovski's native country, Macedonia, and the sweeping changes that have been happening there since around 1990, with their devastating effects on ...


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