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Jazz Articles about Florian Fischer

Album Review

Christopher Kunz, Florian Fischer: Die Unwucht

Read "Die Unwucht" reviewed by Alberto Bazzurro

Facendo largo uso delle pratiche più “contemporanee" (jazzisticamente parlando ma non solo) dei rispettivi strumenti, e nella loro reciprocità (quindi da un'ottica abbastanza lontana da quelli che sono un po' i sacri testi, i modelli di riferimento, in materia, vale a dire gli storici duetti coltraniani con Elvin Jones e Rashied Ali), peraltro senza spendersi in eccessive intemperanze o, per contro, ritrarsi in estenuanti evanescenze (rare le eccezioni), i due baldi giovanotti tedeschi protagonisti di questo album ci propongono quaranta ...

Album Review

Christopher Kunz & Florian Fischer: Die Unwucht

Read "Die Unwucht" reviewed by Chris May

Saxophone and drums duos--usually that means tenor saxophone and drums--got serious in the mid 1960s, when pianist McCoy Tyner and bassist Jimmy Garrison would lay out during performances by John Coltrane's classic quartet to allow Coltrane and drummer Elvin Jones to pursue their mutual shamanistic muse together. One such occasion is preserved on One Down, One Up, Live At The Half Note (Impulse, 2005), recorded in 1965. On the title track, first Tyner, then Garrison drop out, leaving ...


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