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Jazz Articles about Dave Weckl

SoCal Jazz

Dave Weckl: The Cymbal of Excellence

Read "Dave Weckl: The Cymbal of Excellence" reviewed by Jim Worsley

Attention to details and impeccable standards coupled with a desirous curiosity and a wealth of talent have served Dave Weckl well. The savvy and astute musician has meticulously traversed the jazz and fusion world over the past few decades. Weckl is on a very short list when the topic of drumming icons is broached. Perhaps best known for his work with Chick Corea, Mike Stern, and Oz Noy. Weckl is in constant motion both behind the kit and in his ...


Dave Weckl: On Time

Read "Dave Weckl:  On Time" reviewed by Scott Mitchell

Dave Weckl hit the New York fusion scene in the early 1980s. It didn't take long for this talented drummer from Saint Charles, Missouri to get recognized and hired by artists like singers Madonna, Robert Plant, Diana Ross, and Paul Simon, as well as guitarist/vocalist {George Benson}}. Weckl toured with the keyboardist Chick Corea's Elektric Band from 1985 to 1991. He then recorded and toured with guitarist Mike Stern. He currently tours regularly with guitarists Oz Noy and Chuck Loeb, ...

Album Review

School of the Arts: School of the Arts

Read "School of the Arts" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

School of the Arts è un progetto fusion guidato dal pianista T Lavitz con alcuni dei migliori esponenti di questo genere. Tuttavia, paradossalmente, il CD si distingue da altre incioni di fusion per essere stato registrato senza strumenti elettrici, tranne il basso. Una fusion unplugged, insomma. L'idea di T Lavitz funziona - del resto, con musicisti così è quasi scontato. Il dialogo si svolge in modo spontaneo, frutto della reciproca frequentazione da tanti anni. Le composizioni sono tutte di buon ...


Dave Weckl: Rhythm Talk

Read "Dave Weckl: Rhythm Talk" reviewed by Stefanee Freedman

When any jazz enthusiasts start talking about drummers, one of the first names that comes to mind is sure to be Dave Weckl. This major innovator of modern jazz drumming has grooved with more players since he started playing in the New York club scene in the early '80s. His most notable stint started in 1985 when he was asked to be a part of the then-forming Chick Corea's Elektric Band, which he revived in 2004 after a break of ...

Album Review

Dave Weckl Band: Multiplicity

Read "Multiplicity" reviewed by John Kelman

Sometimes it's best to take things on face value. A solid collection of engaging compositions, plenty of infectious grooves, and strong soloing/interplay can go a long way to making an album worthwhile, even if it doesn't demonstrate any kind of specific characteristics that give it a distinctive personality. Sometimes an album is just plain fun, nothing more, nothing less.

Over the course of his 25-year career, drummer Dave Weckl has created an almost unparalleled reputation in fusion circles as a ...

Album Review

Dave Weckl Band: Live (And Very Plugged In)

Read "Live (And Very Plugged In)" reviewed by Jim Santella

Dave Weckl makes contemporary jazz sizzle with the heat and intensity of artists who’ve grown up with caffeine in their veins and restless anticipation on their minds. The combination of a rumbling electric bass, a gyrating set of keyboards, and a powerfully propulsive set of drums comes naturally to our generation. We’ve been shaking to their textures since before we were even tall enough to ride the beginner roller coaster at our local carnival.

Weckl combines smooth ...

Album Review

Dave Weckl Band: Perpetual Motion

Read "Perpetual Motion" reviewed by Glenn Astarita

Just about anyone who has followed jazz and jazz-fusion should be familiar with drummer Dave Weckl’s enviable talents. The artist came to prominence back in the '80s, performing with pianist Chick Corea’s electric (fusion) and acoustic (mainstream jazz) bands. Since then, Weckl has issued several solo outings amid guest spots with various ensembles. He’s released instructional videos/DVDs for aspiring drummers out there who need to know either the mechanics behind his technical faculties or to simply pick up a few ...


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