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Articles by John Stevenson

Book Review

Riff: The Shake Keane Story

Read "Riff: The Shake Keane Story" reviewed by John Stevenson

Riff: The Shake Keane Story Philip Nanton 157 pages ISBN-13 : 978-1999776893 Papillote Press 2021 Except for occasional flare-ups of its La Soufriere volcano, the hilly eastern Caribbean island of St Vincent tends to keep a low profile among the least developed but politically stable nation states of the region. Philip Nanton's pioneering biography, Riff: The Shake Keane Story, chronicles the outstanding but turbulent life of a man whose unique creativity ...

Book Review

A Bari Player's Defense

Read "A Bari Player's Defense" reviewed by John Stevenson

Life, On the Fence Marvin “Doc" Holladay George Ronald Publishing ISBN: 0853984549 Generally regarded as an outsized and unwieldy instrument, the baritone saxophone has not always been accorded the status of its more manageable sister instruments (soprano, alto and tenor) in the saxophone family. The huge horn has, however, been championed by outstanding musicians whose contribution to jazz is nothing short of exemplary. Numbered among the most notable ...

Album Review

Roswell Rudd / Archie Shepp: Live in New York

Read "Live in New York" reviewed by John Stevenson

The year was 1994. The venue: the Eilat Red Sea Jazz Festival. Hundreds of sweltering Jazz aficionados waited in a huge converted cargo shed to witness reedman Archie Shepp and his quartet--a marquee coup for the Israeli festival. When Shepp swaggered onto the stage, the more discerning members of the audience (including this reviewer) could scarcely conceal their disappointment. Here was the 1960s hero of radical Jazz conservatively bedecked in two--piece gray suit and tie. He might as well have ...

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