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Now's The Time: BNY Mellon Gets Down With Jazz Musicians


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In our current economic plight in the banking industry, BNY Mellon of New York, well, is doing some pretty cool things. In addition, to actively exploring Far East Exchanges and other activities to stay solvent and increase equity, this investment firms has a strong commitment to the arts.

Throughout the year, BNY allocated funds for established and up-and-coming jazz artists. In November, according to a company press release, BNY, though its Jazz Scholarship, gave $5,000 to University of Pittsburgh freshman, Jacob Sacks as the winner of the 2010 Award.

Earlier in the year, BNY Mellon recognized jazz legendary drummer, Roy Haynes. BNY honored him with its Jazz 2010 Living Legacy Award during a special ceremony at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on Octopber 10.

Jim Mc Donald, BNY Mellon's Managing Director of Philanthropy and Employee Programs, noted in a press release that:

“We are honored to support the 2010 BNY Mellon Jazz Living Legacy Award and to participate in the recognition and celebration of Roy Haynes' outstanding career as a jazz drummer. Mr. Haynes is a truly important part of jazz music history."

There are many more examples of BNY Mellon's support of jazz and the arts, but these two examples were particularly compelling.

This musical activity from BNY Mellon certainly is a highlight of 2010 when it comes to the banking industry. Expect more from them next year.

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