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Need a Scratch Pad for Search? Yahoo Has One


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Most of the hubbub about search lately has centered on Bing and Google. But the one that started it all, Yahoo, will try to make its own splash in search, with a new feature called Search Pad.

The service will go live Tuesday night at 9:00 PM Pacific Time.

Basically, Search Pad pops up a window that saves your search process as clickable links, that can be saved to the Yahoo service if you're logged in. Search Pad will automatically collect visited sites and their thumbnails during your research session. You can also add their own notes and drag and drop additional content onto the window. The tool also allows users to print, email, or share the research via social networks such as Delicious, Facebook, and Twitter.

Google discontinued its similar Notebook service this past January, but Yahoo's implementation makes Search Pad more a part of the searching process, by proposing itself when your session looks like research, rather than a simple query. Likewise, Bing's search history feature shows all your previous searches in a sidebar and lets you save clicked links from a search to a local or online folder in its SkyDrive service.

“At Yahoo Search we are committed to understanding people's intent and building the right tools to help them complete their most important tasks online," said Larry Cornett, vice president of consumer products, at Yahoo Search. “With Search Pad, Yahoo is providing an elegant solution that understands when valuable research is being conducted and offers a way to effortlessly gather information in one place. Yahoo Search Pad helps people make decisions, save their work, and share the best with friends and colleagues."

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