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Limelight: A New, Simple Way to Cover a Song


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Have you ever thought about writing a cover version of Ring of Fire by Johnny Cash, but didn't even know where to start with the headache of trying to clear the rights and determine who to send the royalty payments? This is a similar situation that singer-songwriter Samantha Murphy, aka The Highway Girl, found herself in. Since, she has teamed up with LimeLight, a service by RightsFlow, to take care of her licensing needs.

RightsFlow, a mechanical licensing and royalty services provider, is a company that provides artists with a tool called LimeLight; it's a simple way to clear any cover song for release. It enabled Murphy the ability to cover Ring of Fire without having to worry about the possibility that she didn't have all of the rights secured or that the correct royalty payments weren't being made. In this video, Murphy gives an overview of the service and how it enabled her to cover Johnny Cash and focus on the music being made instead of the people wanting to get paid.

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