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Daily Diy: Automate Your Band's Social Networking


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It is important to interact with current and potential fans in as many places as possible, but finding the time to keep them all updated can be difficult. And there's nothing worse then visiting a band's pages and seeing that it hasn't been updated in weeks. Did they break up or are they just losers with nothing going on?

Fortunately at least one new service Ping.fm serves as a hub for all your social networking activities. Ping enables simultaneous updates to more than 30 top social networking sites including Twitter, MySpace, Facebook and imeem. Set your self up and start going using Ping today.

MicroPersuasion's Steve Rubell has created his own system that turns any email account into a social networking hub. It requires a certain comfort level with new online technologies. If your really committed t social networking success, ReveNews suggests setting social networking goals and creating a schedule.





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