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Jazz Articles about Bertell Knox

Album Review

Freddie Hubbard & Jimmy Heath: Jam Gems

Read "Jam Gems" reviewed by John Sharpe

Jam Gems is Label M’s latest offering from their ongoing series of previously unearthed recordings taped at Baltimore’s Famous Ballroom by The Left Bank Jazz Society. Formed in 1964, this group often booked Sunday afternoon jam sessions at various venues. However, the tapes were never released until producer Joel Dorn struck a deal to issue the performances on his new label. This session from June 13, 1965, captures trumpeter Freddie Hubbard shortly before he altered his hard-bop style ...

Album Review

Freddie Hubbard: Jam Gems

Read "Jam Gems" reviewed by AAJ Staff

For those of us who weren't able to attend any of the now-becoming-legendary Left Bank Jazz Society sessions, Label M's continuing documentation of the excitement within the Famous Ballroom provides the best available substitute for having been there. Better yet, these Left Bank Jazz Society sessions now are being documented for the attention of the world beyond Baltimore, allowing jazz fans to realize how legendary jazz musicians performed in the informal venues that were less controlled than the studio recordings, ...


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