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Soulive Replaces Arturo Sandoval as Closing Act of 2007 Telluride Jazz Celebration Sunday August 5


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Soulive will appear as the closing act of the 2007 Telluride Jazz Celebration performing from 6 to 7:30 p.m. on Sunday, August 5th at the “John Scofield Town Park Stage" in Telluride, CO. Soulive is replacing trumpeter Arturo Sandoval who cancelled his engagement.

Soulive's performance will feature music from the band's new and 8th CD - No Place Like Soul -- set for release on Stax Records on August 1.

For tickets and more information visit www.TellurideJazz.org or call 970.728.7009.

For travel and lodging information visit www.Telluride.com or call the Telluride Reservations Center toll-free at 877.443.1842.

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