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Correspondence: Bud Shank After Hours


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Jim Wilke, the proprietor of Jazz After Hours, writes:

I thought you'd like to know I'm featuring several selections by Bud Shank in each hour of tonight's program. Music ranges from his earliest World Pacific and Pacific Jazz records in the '50s through his latest issued recordings. Please pass the word to others you think would be interested.

For a list of the 79 stations that carry Wilke”s syndicated program, go here. If you are in none of their listening areas, you can hear him on KPLU-FM's streaming internet feed. Follow this link and click on “Listen Live." The broadcast is from midnight to 4:30 a.m. PDT, 3:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m EDT, Saturday, April 11.

Shank, a major alto saxophonist, flutist, band leader and educator, died a week ago. To see the Rifftides item about his passing and his importance, go here

Kim Matas has a fine profile of Shank in her “Life Stories" column in today's Arizona Star, his hometown paper.

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