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7 Virtual Jazz Club’s Contest 10th Edition: Winners Announced!

7 Virtual Jazz Club’s Contest 10th Edition: Winners Announced!

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The 7 Virtual Jazz Club is proud to announce the winners of the 10th edition of the contest
Mauro Sigura
During a live streaming event, the judging panel and the finalists joined the award ceremony for the Pros & Amateurs categories.

Pros category

First prize goes to Mauro Sigura Quartet (Italy) for La danza di Amarech. Second prize goes to LRK Trio (Russia) for No tears. Third prize goes to Max Bessesen (USA) for Sendoff.

Amateurs category

First prize went to AB Quartet (Italy) for Lux Originis. Second prize went to Milan Verbist (Belgium) for Dark days, darker nights. Third prize went to Alex Laurenzi Quintet (USA) for Do you see my brother and my sister?

Honorable Mentions

Dominik Kisiel (Poland) – awarded by John Fenton.

James Fernando & Victor Provost (USA) – awarded by Yoko Miwa.

The 7 Virtual Jazz Club's Team wants to thank all the contestants and the international Jury that supported this edition.

The call for pre-entries for the 11th edition are open until June 1st at a reduced fee.

The application will be open from June 2nd to September 27th.

The new edition will be open to two categories per genres: Jazz and Beyond Jazz.

For more information, please check out on our official website.

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