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Joel Fountain

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Liner Notes

Angela Verbrugge: Somewhere

Read "Angela Verbrugge: Somewhere" reviewed by Michael Steinman

The proper response to Beauty is an awed admiring silence. So these liner notes should be one word in a large font: LISTEN. But Angela asked me to add a few hundred keystrokes to the project, so here we are. Incidentally, I have chosen to focus on Angela in the midst of the most superb musicians and arrangements. I hope they will forgive me! Angela Verbrugge is a great subversive. Her work is so quietly insinuating that listeners ...

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Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson


OA2 Records


Love for Connoisseurs

Gut String Records


Until I Met You (Corner Pocket)

From: Somewhere
By Joel Fountain

Corn on the Cob

From: Love for Connoisseurs
By Joel Fountain

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