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Marco Tiraboschi

Marco Tiraboschi graduated in guitar at the Luca Marenzio Conservatory in Brescia. He has played and continues to play with musicians of various backgrounds and cultures. In 2010 he participated in the Jazz On The Road Festival opening for FLY (Mark Turner, Jeff Ballard, Larry Granadier – they record for the ECM label).

From 2005 to 2012 he played in various early music ensembles.

The groups he founded are:

  • Etnikòs (music from Eastern Europe and the Mediterranean) with which he performed on tour in France in 2007, 2009 and 2010;
  • Chutzpah, with which he published the CD of the same name in 2013 for the Dodicilune record label;
  • The Yiddish trio, where he explores and reimagines Jewish music;
  • Ginastera and Tango 5, with which he recorded "Biyuya" for the Movimento Classical record label.
  • In a new world, which includes Javier Girotto, Daniele Requesti and Giulio Corini.

In 2015, with Simone Prando, Riccardo Chiaberta, Natan Sinigaglia and Lorenzo Blardone, he published the contemporary jazz CD "Kasa" for Pssst records.

He interpreted music used in the soundtrack of the film "La ragionura" (with Franco Nero, original music by Ennio Morricone) by film director Silvano Agosti. For more than ten years, he had been performing live music, in various events and festivals, the masterpieces of cinema from the past.

As a composer he collaborated with Rai3 creating soundtracks for the «Geo» program hosted by Sveva Sagramola. In 2020 the score of his song «Ascension» was published by DOREMIDOLAR. In 2021 one of his compositions was selected to be performed at the contemporary music festival «Osmose Intermezzo» in Brussels. Since 2019 he has been a cultural collaborator of the Bresciaoggi newspaper of the Athesis group.


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Marco Tiraboschi e il Questionario di Proust

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Chitarrista, si definisce musicista creativo ed eclettico. La sua musica mescola elementi di jazz, classica contemporanea, echi dei Balcani e del mediterraneo, ed ambisce ad una sintesi quanto più possibile personale e comunicativa. Nel suo ultimo album, In a New World, realizzato in compagnia di Giulio Corini al contrabbasso e Daniele Richiedei a violino e viola, troviamo ospiti del calibro di Marc Ribot e Javier Girotto. Il tratto principale della mia musica Credo sia proprio ...

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