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Freedom of the City 2005

Paul Rutherford

Label: Emanem
Released: 2007
Views: 705


CD 1 A1. Petrah - 15:58; A2. Felthor - 09:25; A3. Voicings - 15:10; A4. Does Rain Know? - 03:19; A5. Interstate 2 - 24:49; A6. Conduction No. 20 (by Simon H Fell) - 08:07; A7. Hearing Reproduction 7 (by Caroline Kraabel) - 02:18. CD 2. B1. The Dynamix (by Dave Tucker) - 07:53; B2. Don't Bende The Wardrobe - 26:32; B3. Providence Points South - 10:30; B4. A Right in Phoenica - 09:40; B5. Unstill Life - 23:33. Tutte le composizioni sono degli esecutori.


Additional Personnel / Information

Paul Rutherford (trombone), John Edwards (contrabbasso), Mark Sanders (percussioni) in #A1,A2; Sylvia Hallett (violino, voce), Caroline Kraabel (sax alto, voce), Veryan Weston (piano, voce) in #A3,A4; Philipp Wachsmann (violino, elettronica), Kjell Bjorgeengen (video) in #A5; London Improvisers Orchestra in #A6,A7,B1; Steve Beresford (piano), Joe Williamson (contrabbasso), Roger Turner (percussioni) in #B2; Lol Coxill (sax soprano), Neil Metcalfe (flauto) in #B3,B4; Alan Wilkinson (sax alto,sax baritono,voce), Phil Durrant (laptop), Mark Sanders (percussioni) in #B5.


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