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Mercedes Beckman

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Album Review

Leigh Pilzer: Beatin' the Odds

Read "Beatin' the Odds" reviewed by Jack Bowers

Beatin' the Odds. To baritone saxophonist Leigh Pilzer, that is far more than a catchphrase: it is a grim yet ultimately happy reality. In 2017, Pilzer was diagnosed with cancer. After extensive treatments, her odds of surviving more than five years were reckoned as around thirty percent. But six years have gone by, and not only has Pilzer beaten the odds, she is cancer-free, back in the saddle and performing again. And not only performing but writing ...

Album Review

Ian Wardenski: Trust

Read "Trust" reviewed by Geannine Reid

Ian Wardenski's Quintet returns with a follow-up to Collective Thoughts (IW, 2019). The innovative bandleader and guitarist continues to create a sound that combines the aesthetics of a chamber group with the freedom, spontaneity and improvisation of a small jazz combo. Trust features Mercedes Beckman on alto saxophone, Jerry Ascione, piano, Amy Shook, bass, Frank Russo, drums, and Tamara Tucker, voice. Wardenski furthers his collective sound by combining Tucker's agile wordless vocals with his guitar for a distinctive ...

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Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Beatin' the Odds

Self Produced



Self Produced


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