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Formed in the summer of 2021, Bellbird’s music is rooted in modern jazz and melds influences from experimental, rock, improvised, and folk music from Canada and abroad. Each musician brings their own unique set of influences to the collective, creating a balance between noisy experimentation and more traditional compositional elements. Tenor saxophonist Claire Devlin hails from Ottawa originally, and brings her cellular composition technique to the ensemble repertoire. Her improvisational style oscillates between minimalist statements and fiery displays of melody and noise. Her playing pairs naturally with Allison Burik’s alto sax and bass clarinet playing; their own improvisational style pays homage to their Kansas City childhood with soulful melodies and bebop lines, paired with bursts of free improvisation and extended techniques. Mili Hong, emigrating to Canada from South Korea at the age of 20, and Eli Davidovici, a double-bassist hailing from Vancouver, B.C., have worked together as an improvised performance duo and rhythm section for-hire for over a decade. Mili’s explosive style of drumming is matched by her remarkable sensitivity and dynamic improvisational playing. She has built a powerful relationship and chemistry with Eli, whose warm and supportive bass sound juxtaposes with a sensibility towards angular melodies and odd rhythms. Through this process of getting to know each other, musically and personally, the members of Bellbird have delighted in creating compositions for their unique instrumentation.


Album Review

Bellbird: Root In Tandem

Read "Root In Tandem" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Give Canada's Bellbird credit as they come right out of the gate with a chip-on-the-shoulders confidence. Their debut, Root In Tandem, looks like one of those late-50s/early-60s, time-themed Dave Brubeck albums. Credit the gorgeous abstract cover painting. The cover art, though, is where the Brubeck comparison ends. Bellbird is a chordless quartet, with Claire Devlin and Allison Burik on saxophones, Eli Davidovici on bass, and Mili Hong in the drummer's chair. The four Bellbird players came up in ...

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Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Root In Tandem

Self Produced


Blurred Season

From: Root In Tandem
By Bellbird

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