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John Sanders

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Album Review

Duke Ellington: Duke Ellington Copenhagen 1958 (Bonus: After Hours 1950)

Read "Duke Ellington Copenhagen 1958 (Bonus: After Hours 1950)" reviewed by Jack Kenny

Duke Ellington hated flying so, in 1958, Ellington and Co sailed into Southampton UK to prepare for a tour of Europe. Before going on to Copenhagen, Ellington completed a tour of the UK, taking in Leeds where he met Queen Elizabeth, an event which eventually resulted in the “Queen's Suite." Earlier in the year, his strange obsession with royalty had produced a piece for Princess Margaret, “Princess Blue'" The band was particularly strong in this part of its ...

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Performance / Tour

Harlem Speaks Honors Monsignor John Sanders Thursday, August 10 at the Jazz Museum in Harlem

Harlem Speaks Honors Monsignor John Sanders Thursday, August 10 at the Jazz Museum in Harlem

Source: All About Jazz

Harlem Speaks Honors Monsignor John Sanders

Monsignor John Sanders, trombonist August 10, 2006

Charli Persip, bandleader/drummer August 24, 2006

Monsignor John Sanders (trombone) attended The Juilliard School before entering the US Navy, where he played in the Navy Band. He later went on to perform in clubs around New York, including a lengthy stint at the Savoy Ballroom with Lucky Thompson's band before joining the Duke Ellington Orchestra in 1954.

He toured with the Duke Ellington Orchestra for five years. ...


Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Duke Ellington...

Storyville Records


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