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Two for the Show Media Celebrates Another Year!


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Heading into their third year of operation Two for the Show Media led by owner Chris DiGirolamo has had a 2006 that was clearly one to speak of.

Successful campaigns for Wycliffe Gordon, Marcus Strickland, Reuben Rogers, Don Braden,Chris Washburne, The Persuasions, Anthony Wilson among others, proved to be one of the best years for the PR firm. “We have been very blessed to work with such fantastic artists" say owner Chris DiGirolamo. “We give everything we have to every artist that we work with." The firm started by assisting musicians that could not afford larger scale campaigns due to smaller budgets.

DiGirolamo helped many of them get visibility without spending thousands. “Wait till you see what we have on tab for 2007, we are very excited about the campaigns that are coming on board for 2007" Go to www.twoshowmedia.com for more information.

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