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6 Year Old Girl has Jazz Drummer On Her Side


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Milford, CT—Year Old Zoe Anyan, who lives in Milford, Connecticut, is fighting a form of brain cancer that has required lengthy radiation and chemotherapy treatment at St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. Zoe is now home in Milford, but is suffering from paralysis, a side affect from the treatments that is making it very hard for her to climb stairs and go to school. Her mother must carry her up and down the stairs every day in order for Zoe to get to her medical appointments and to go to school.

Jazz drummer Marcel, is on her side after being asked to help by her friends, and fellow students will perform a benefit concert November 7th, with his quartet “Beyond the Sun" and will help raise much needed funds for little Zoe Anyan, fighting cancer.

Marcel and Beyond the Sun was asked by staff, students and parishioners of St. Gabriel Church to perform in concert so that they could help raise needed funds to help get Zoe's family back on track after mounting medical bills and to help find a new residence that will be more accessible for Zoe. “Our concerts have helped many causes over the years, but when it comes down to helping and fighting for children and families, we step up; all funds raised will go directly to Anyan family," said Marcel, drummer and producer of Marcel and Beyond the Sun.

The benefit concert and dinner, slated for November 7th, will be held at the St Gabriel School Auditorium, 1 Tudor Road, Milford, CT with dinner starting at 5:30 p.m. and concert starting at 7:00 pm. Opening the show will be magician, Jeffrey Dove. Tickets are $6 Adults, $5 Seniors $4 Children 7-14. FREE Children 6 and under. Table of 8 $40.

Tickets are available by going to the parish web site: stgabrielmilford.org Click on News and Events or by calling 203-877-6096.

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