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Online Petition to Support Instants Chavires


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On Thursday July 2nd 2009 we were shocked to learn that the balance of the operational subsidy allocated to our Association by the General Council of the Seine-Saint-Denis Department had been slashed by no less than 25,000€--a drop of more of 19%. This in addition to a 7,000€ cut in our municipal subsidy (at the beginning of the year, the town of Montreuil had announced a reduction of 15,000€, 7000€ being the amount eventually decided upon by the end of June). This means that we have lost 32,000€ in 2009.

Please sign the the online petition to support Instants Chavires.

The lack of funding has forced us to cancel our Autumn season of concerts, video projections and exhibitions, in its entirety. Even maintaining a strict minimum of programmed events would lead to a budgetary deficit that we simply could not contemplate.

We have serious questions regarding how the Council reached its decision, and what factors might have influenced it in so doing, and to date do not know on what opinions or analyses the said decision was based. We also deplore that the decision was taken so late.

It would seem that the Department has deliberately adopted a policy designed to weaken our Association, resulting in a slow asphyxiation that will put the entire future of the Instants Chavires in jeopardy. How are we to plan for a 2010 season in such conditions?

Art must be where it's indispensible, which means everywhere" --Claude Leveque, artist

We maintain that an intermediary cultural space like the Instants Chavires is an essential complement to existing institutions, and that it has made a major contribution to the diversity of the cultural offer, playing an essential role in discovering and promoting art for over 18 years.

Does the Seine-Saint-Denis Department still have the political will to maintain an internationally acclaimed artspace dedicated to contemporary creation, however modest it may be?

We demand the setting up of a round table with all our institutional partners to rehabilitate a relation which is clearly deteriorating. It is essential to redefine the financial framework together, regarding the unique nature of our artistic commitment as well as our geographical and structural specificity.

We urge you then to sign the online petition, and write to Claude Bartolone, President of the General Council of Seine-Saint-Denis, and / or to the Mayor of Montreuil, Dominique Voynet, to inform them of what the Instants Chavires represents in the local, national and international cultural landscape, and express your own commitment to the lasting nature of this project.

You can address your correspondence directly to us at the following email address, or by regular mail to Instants Chavires, 7 Rue Richard Lenoir 93100 Montreuil. We undertake to forward it to the parties concerned.

Please circulate this communique as widely as you can, amongst everyone you know.

Thank you.
Association Muzziques--les Instants Chavires

“Les Instants Chavires is known throughout the world and through its work people see Montreuil as a very hip part of France." --Evan Parker

“Instants Chavires is a cultural institution of great importance. It's budget should not be compromised by the general economic crises. It is short sighted in the extreme. I fully support this venue and those artists and public it serves." --Mark Dresser

“Instants Chavires is amongst the most important venues for new music, its loss would make Paris and France all the poorer." --Keith Rowe

“It would be better to scrap nuclear weapons rather than Les Instants Chavires" --Martin Davidson

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