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Monterey Jazz Festival Grounds Tickets Still Available


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Grounds tickets for the 51st Annual Monterey Jazz Festival are still available, and provide access to world-class music on eight stages and an assortment of dazzling activities for kids and adults, including educational panels and conversations, clinics, international food and shopping jazz film, simulcasts from the Arena Stage and more on the oak-studded Monterey Fairgrounds September 19-21, 2008.

“Grounds tickets are perhaps the best way to survey the Monterey Jazz Festival," said MJF Marketing Associate, Timothy Orr. “There are so many things to do all at once, and beyond the music on eight stages, there is the sense that its a gathering of a real community -- it feels like a family reunion. If youre a newcomer, we have a lot of new things on the grounds this year, including more activities for kids, and expanded action on Lyons Lane, in addition to the vendors and food on the Midway and West Lawn. Its the most exciting music festival in one of the most beautiful places on the planet, in my opinion."

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