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Jazz Articles about Vytas Basanov

Album Review

Lars Danielsson: Melange Bleu

Read "Melange Bleu" reviewed by John Kelman

Music--improvised or scored--is inextricably linked with how it's arranged or orchestrated, a point made crystal clear by Lars Danielsson's Mélange Bleu. The bonus track on the Swedish bassist/cellist/ pianist's Libera Me (ACT, 2004) hinted at the direction Danielsson would take on Mélange Blue--a blending of acoustic instruments, concert orchestra and technology to create a lush new mix (or Mélange) that retains Danielsson's innate lyricism, but places it in the sonic realm of Nu Jazz. With some of ...

Album Review

Lars Danielsson: Mélange Bleu

Read "Mélange Bleu" reviewed by AAJ Italy Staff

Ormai lanciato sulla strada di altri scandinavi, come Nils Petter Molvaer e Bugge Wesseltoft (non a caso presenti nell’organico), il contrabbassista, violoncellista e pianista Lars Danielsson si spinge un po’ oltre il precedente lavoro Libera me (clicca qui per leggerne la recensione) e mette in scena un album molto artefatto, elettrificato e ricreato in studio (il mitico Rainbow Studio di Oslo, sotto la supervisione dell’ingegnere del suono Jan Erik Kongshaus). Ecco così che gli strumenti sono ampiamente sostituiti da sampler, ...


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