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Jazz Articles about Victor Guaita

Album Review

Jürg Frey: Circular Music Ext. no. 1 / no. 2 / Ext. no. 2.

Read "Circular Music Ext. no. 1 / no. 2 / Ext. no. 2." reviewed by John Eyles

On May 15th 2023, Swiss clarinetist, composer and Wandelweiser member Jürg Frey reached the age of seventy. From February 14th to 16th 2023, the tracks which comprise this album had been recorded at Rue des Fabriques, Brussels; they are all Frey compositions which were adapted by the eight players performing them. On the album sleeve, no mention is made of Frey's milestone event; however, this album serves well as a (belated) celebration of it. Between 2011 and 2016, Frey composed ...


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