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Jazz Articles about Seamus Cater

Album Review

Seamus Cater: A History of Musical Pitch

Read "A History of Musical Pitch" reviewed by John Eyles

Seamus Cater is a British-born musician whose parents were active folk revivalists in London in the '60s, meaning that folk and singing permeated his early music experiences. He learned to play harmonica when he was 19. It was only when he was 23 that he attended an Access course for mature students, playing improvised music and jazz. After a jazz degree at Salford University, he moved to Holland where he has lived ever since. After the Millenium he moved towards ...

Album Review

Orquesta del Tiempo Perdido: Traantjes

Read "Traantjes" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

L'Orquesta del Tiempo Perdido è un visionario progetto dell'olandese Jeroen Kimman, che ha debuttato nel 2018 con l'album Stille ed ora riconferma tutto il suo eclettico e bizzarro universo stilistico con Traantjes (in olandese lacrime). In contraddizione con le nostalgiche illustrazioni della cover (ma anche qui si può discutere, vista la somiglianza con test proiettivi come il T.A.T., che fanno emergere l'inconscio), la musica assembla frammenti stilistici diversi, indulgendo sulle musiche popolari e bandistiche centroamericane e sul ...


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