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Jazz Articles about Oscar Laven

Album Review

Rodger Fox Big Band Featuring King Kapisi: The Brotherman Project

Read "The Brotherman Project" reviewed by Jack Bowers

If nothing--no matter how peculiar or aberrant--is undertaken without a reason, trombonist Rodger Fox, whose big band is the finest New Zealand has to offer, must have had his reasons for recording the band's newest album with the country's leading hip-hop artist, King Kapisi. As jazz, like hip-hop, is an acquired taste, it is fruitless for someone who admires and appreciates one to impugn the other. It is what it is. And so we have King Kapisi ...

Album Review

Rodger Fox Big Band: Plays Hone Tuwhare

Read "Plays Hone Tuwhare" reviewed by Jack Bowers

New Zealand's flagship jazz ensemble, the Rodger Fox Big Band, marks its fiftieth anniversary with an impressive homage to “the people's poet," Hone Tuwhare (1922-2008), on the centenary of his birth. As is pointed out in the album's liner notes, Tuwhare “was loved and cherished by New Zealanders from all walks of life. Touring tirelessly, Hone shared his talent and inspired audiences in every corner of the country from primary and secondary schools to universities, factories to art galleries and ...

Album Review

The Rodger Fox Big Band: Reimagined! The Roger Fox big Band Plays Sir Dave Dobbyn

Read "Reimagined! The Roger Fox big Band Plays Sir Dave Dobbyn" reviewed by Jack Bowers

On Reimagined!, New Zealander Rodger Fox's superlative big band takes a fresh look at the music of Sir Dave Dobbyn, one of that country's most honored and beloved musicians. Although Dobbyn has spent his celebrated career in the fields of pop and rock, his evocative compositions lend themselves well to light and swinging interpretations by Fox's seventeen-member ensemble and more than half a dozen well-known guest artists from the U.S. Even so, there is enough heavy backbeat ...

Album Review

The Rodger Fox Big Band: Plays New Zealand

Read "Plays New Zealand" reviewed by Jack Bowers

Even though such news would hardly make a ripple beyond the South Pacific, trombonist Rodger Fox's superlative big band was nearing its golden anniversary when Plays New Zealand was recorded in 2021. As the milestone loomed only two years in the distance, Fox decided it was time the band produced an album devoted entirely to new works written and arranged by his fellow countrymen and women. And so the excellent Plays New Zealand may be more accurately named “plays New ...


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