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Jazz Articles about John Blane

Album Review

The Pete Ellman Big Band: The Twelve Grooves of Christmas

Read "The Twelve Grooves of Christmas" reviewed by Nicholas F. Mondello

As we enter the Holidays, the airwaves and digital streams flow with seasonal fare of all types of genres. And, once we ring in the New Year, said music heads back into hibernation until the next Thanksgiving and December roll around. The Pete Ellman Big Band's The Twelve Grooves of Christmas is such a fine recording that it might not be surprising for listeners to listen to it year around. The effort is that good. This high-energy ...

Album Review

Pete Ellman: For Pete's Ache

Read "For Pete's Ache" reviewed by Nicholas F. Mondello

Long a fixture throughout Chicagoland, the Ellman name is synonymous with all things musical. No “ache" at all, this album is a fun big-band romp. There is some outstanding ensemble and solo work and the various terrific arrangements bring the best out of a superb, engaged ensemble. The opener, “High Speed Pursuit," is a whirlwind burner which demonstrates the swing, muscle, and solo talent of this fine ensemble. Think “Naked Gun" on speed. The swing spirit is ...


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