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Dive Into The Deep Blue feat. Ithamara Koorax

Gustavo Cysne

Label: Jazz Station Records
Released: 2024
Duration: 00:05:28
Views: 231


Dive Into The Deep Blue feat. Ithamara Koorax


Additional Personnel / Information

Piano, acoustic guitar; composition and lyrics; rhythm, piano and acoustic guitar arrangements: Gustavo Cysne / Lyrics: Fernando Grigolin / Producer; mixing; rhythm and piano arrangements; orchestral orientation: Arnaldo DeSouteiro / Orchestral arranger and conductor; mixing, recording engineering, filming and video editing: Diego do Valle / Mixing and mastering: Geraldo Brandao / Recording studio: Eco Som (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)

Album Description

A romantic & contemporary bossa nova featuring Ithamara Koorax on vocals (for several years voted one of the best jazz singers by DownBeat magazine) and an orchestral arrangement a la Claus Ogerman. The song sounds like a standard, in a sophisticated mood. Produced by Arnaldo DeSouteiro (João Gilberto, Antonio Carlos Jobim, Deodato, Herbie Hancock), featuring Sergio Barroso on bass (Sarah Vaughan).

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