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Second City

Label: Inner Circle Music
Released: 2017
Track listing: Who Even Is That?; Out the Window; First Step; Smells Like Teen Spirit; Sleep Now; Perpetuity; Uphill Climb; Breakout.


Article: Album Review

Adam Larson: Second City

Read "Second City" reviewed by Mike Jurkovic

For those out there who love it when a saxophonist hits the ground running, immediately taking control of the proceedings with their eyes and ears set on the far horizon, then Second City twenty-seven year old Adam Larson's fourth disc--yes fourth!--is the thrilling disc to be hearing right now. Leading a punchy and tenacious ...


Article: Album Review

Adam Larson: Second City

Read "Second City" reviewed by Dan Bilawsky

When you hear “Second City" and think about improvisation, comedy comes to mind before jazz. But this music is no laughing matter. Saxophonist Adam Larson is one serious talent, as this, his fourth album to date, makes clear. While Larson has called New York home for the past decade, Second City was recorded ...


Article: Album Review

Adam Larson: Second City

Read "Second City" reviewed by Troy Dostert

The first thing one notices when listening to tenor saxophonist Adam Larson's latest release, Second City, is the torrent of notes coming out of his horn, seemingly in unstoppable waves. But Larson's got a lot more to offer than just impeccable chops. He possesses a rhythmic sophistication and compositional cleverness that should help him distinguish himself ...



Label: Second City
Released: 1988


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