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A Crazy Jazzy Christmas

Label: Self Produced
Released: 2018
Track listing: A Crazy Jazzy Christmas; Christmas in Florida, Paradise; Don't Forget to Hang the Mistletoe; Welcome to My Christmas; Let's Play Santa; Joseph, Do You Know; It's Christmas Again, Strike up the Band; Thinking of Christmas Past; Christmas Apart; It's Christmas, My Favorite Time.


Article: Album Review

John Trinckes and Linda Trinckes: A Crazy Jazzy Christmas

Read "A Crazy Jazzy Christmas" reviewed by Jim Olin

Florida-based John Trinckes and Linda Trinckes are not just a duo; they're a married couple. The two only met less than three years ago after losing their respective spouses but have been releasing a steady stream of music. The Trinckes have a life-long passion for sharing warm melodies and uplifting songs with their audience. ...


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