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Camille Bertault

Camille Bertault is a young woman of her time with a tangle of solid roots. Her father is an amateur jazz pianist and she has always sung with him on and off. But at the age of eight, she sat down at the piano and set about the whole conservatoire experience (Ravel, Debussy, Chopin, Scriabin) while developing a passion for the vocal stylists of Brazil (Elis Regina, Djavan, Cesar Camargo). And she also listened to Jeff Buckley, Björk, Fiona Apple, Léo Ferré, Barbara, Serge Gainsbourg...

When she was twenty, she rebelled. She shut her scores, moved to a drama class and wrote and played pieces for children. “I started to sing in a cabaret style, somewhere between a narrator and actor. But it was jazz that bewitched me.” By chance she ended up at the Paris Conservatory which gave her solid training in harmony, composition and jazz singing. Camille Bertault discovered the theory behind her spontaneous creations, combined improvisation and her cabaret joys, came back to Ravel via jazz - “the pleasure of combining all the stages I had passed through”.

The next stages were natural: she filmed herself singing Coltrane's part on Giant Steps and the buzz ensued. Soon afterwards in 2016 her first album, En vie [Alive], emerged.

Then François Zalacain, head of American label Sunnyside, introduced her to Michael Leonhart and Dan Tepfer. Michael, a trumpeter and multi-instrumentalist would produce her new album while Dan would accompany her on piano. “They’re both French-speaking and interested in the text,” enthuses Camille Bertault, who doesn’t want to make albums where the voice just serves as an instrument. She likes lyrics to hold the limelight and many of her colleagues on this album have had their own adventures in song - Stéphane Guillaume on saxophone, Daniel Mille on accordion, Matthias Malher on trombone, Christophe « Disco » Minck and Joe Sanders on bass, Jeff Ballard on drums.

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Album Review

Camille Bertault, Paul Bertault: Songs For My Daughter

Read "Songs For My Daughter" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

La relazione musicale più durevole ed empatica di Camille Bertault è quella col padre Paul, pianista per passione e noto ingegnere del suono per professione. I suoi stimoli hanno motivato Camille verso il canto jazz e il piacere di accompagnare la figlia al piano non s'è mai interrotto. Quella partnership casalinga diventa ora pubblica grazie al disco della Sunnyside, che raccoglie tredici dei loro brani preferiti: celebri jazz standard, omaggi a Michel Legrand e Henri Salvador, ai brasiliani ...

Album Review

Brussels Jazz Orchestra With Camille Bertault: Gainsbourg

Read "Gainsbourg" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

A più di trent'anni dalla morte, Serge Gainsbourg resta una figura particolarmente amata dal pubblico francese. La sua tomba al cimitero di Montparnasse è tra le più visitate e perennemente ricolma di fiori freschi. Nato Lucien Ginsburg da emigranti ebrei di origine turca e russa, iniziò negli anni cinquanta a esibirsi nei locali come pianista e intrattenitore, iniziando quella carriera di cantante e autore (e poi attore, regista, performer) che lo portò al successo internazionale con la canzone “Je t'aime... ...

Live Review

Jazz Export Days 2023

Read "Jazz Export Days 2023" reviewed by Martin Longley

Jazz Export Days Jazz Sous Les Pommiers Coutances, France May 15-17, 2023 Jazz Export Days was a music biz event inserted into an actual public festival, the long-running (42 years!) and highly-regarded Jazz Sous Les Pommiers, in Coutances, a small town in the north-west Normandy region. It's organised by the relatively new CNM (Centre National De La Musique), which sprouted just before the first lockdown gates crashed down. The concept is to globally ...

Radio & Podcasts

Argentina-France: A Jazz Rematch, First Half

Read "Argentina-France: A Jazz Rematch, First Half" reviewed by Ludovico Granvassu

In jazz, unlike in sports, there are no winners or losers, and the best things come out when there's collaboration rather than competition. So this week we host a Franco-Argentinean jazz pas-de-deux celebrating the jazz traditions of the two countries whose national teams made it to the FIFA World Cup finals. Happy listening! PlaylistBen Allison “Mondo Jazz Theme (feat. Ted Nash & Pyeng Threadgill)" 0:00 Richard Galliano “Libertango" Laurita (Dreyfus Jazz) 0:16 Host talks 6:34 Minino ...

Live Review

Fabbrica Europa 2022: due duetti all'insegna del contrasto

Read "Fabbrica Europa 2022: due duetti all'insegna del contrasto" reviewed by Neri Pollastri

Camille Bertault e David Helbock / Nicole Mitchell e Ballaké Sissoko Firenze Fabbrica Europa 2022 Giardino Istituto Agrario 6-7.9.2022 I primi due concerti della sezione musicale del festival fiorentino Fabbrica Europa 2022 hanno visto di scena interessanti progetti, entrambi in duo, basati sull'idea di far incontrare e interagire personalità musicali dotate sì di indiscutibili affinità, ma anche di altrettanto marcate differenze. Martedì 6 settembre ha iniziato il duo del pianista austriaco David ...

Album Review

John Beasley, Magnus Lindgren, SWR Big Band: Bird Lives

Read "Bird Lives" reviewed by Jim Worsley

Round about 2017 there was a meeting of the minds. Composers and musicians John Beasley and Magnus Lindgren evolved as kindred spirits, and chose to work together on a project engulfing their shared appreciation of Charlie Parker. This tribute to the man who came to be known simply as Bird, had trouble taking flight. Obstacles, none bigger than Covid, came along and stood in the way. Dedicated to its completion, the pair, along with the SWR Big Band, has now ...

Live Review

Camille Bertault al Crossroads Festival 2021

Read "Camille Bertault al Crossroads Festival 2021" reviewed by Emmanuel Di Tommaso

Camille Bertault Quartet Teatro Socjale Crossroads Festival 2021 Piangipane (Ravenna) 28.10.2021 La seconda tappa italiana del tour europeo di Camille Bertault va in scena nell'ambito dell'edizione 2021 del Crossroads Festival: dopo l'esibizione della sera precedente al Blue Note di Milano, il Teatro Socjale di Piangipane accoglie il quartetto della cantante e compositrice francese in quell'atmosfera speciale che combina il fascino noir del jazz club alla solennità popolare da teatro sociale che è molto raro ...

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Performance / Tour

Camille Bertault & Chico Pinheiro launch the Rizzoli Music Aperitivo (NYC) on June 17 at 5PM

Camille Bertault & Chico Pinheiro launch the Rizzoli Music Aperitivo (NYC) on  June 17 at 5PM

Source: All About Jazz

Join us for the launch of Rizzoli Music Aperitivo with jazz musicians Camille Bertault and Chico Pinheiro. These young stars of the French and Brazilian jazz scenes launch a series of live performances at Rizzoli Bookstore that will spotlight international talent and spark cross-pollination between music and books. Rizzoli Music Aperitivo is sponsored by Mionetto Prosecco and curated by Mondo Jazz, the weekly Radio Free Brooklyn show dedicated to international jazz. RSVP by June ...




Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson


Self Produced


Songs For My Daughter

Sunnyside Records


Bird Lives

ACT Music


En Vie

Sunnyside Records



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