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Pawan Benjamin

As both an accomplished Saxophonist and Bansuri flute player, Pawan Benjamin stands at the intersection of profound musical traditions. Rooted in Jazz and Improvisation, his pursuit of learning later led him to the Bansuri Flute and a deep study of Nepali Folk and Indian Classical Music. His unique perspective into these legacies of music has allowed him to work with a myriad of world-class artists, and perform and teach around the world.

Pawan has performed alongside artists such as Roscoe Mitchell, Reggie Workman, Ranjit Barot, Bill T. Jones, Taufiq Qureshi, Rez Abbasi, Marc Cary, and others.

 Performance credits include the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Newport Festival, the Kennedy Center, the Rubin Museum of Art, Lincoln Center, the Mondriaan Jazz Festival, the Bimhuis, the NCPA in Mumbai, Goa International Jazz Festival, and more.


Album Review

Rez Abbasi: A Throw of Dice by The Silent Ensemble

Read "A Throw of Dice by The Silent Ensemble" reviewed by Alberto Bazzurro

Rez Abbasi, classe 1965, pakistano di nascita ma californiano d'adozione fin dalla più tenera età, è il principale protagonista di questo album (che del resto reca la sua firma in calce), giocato nel segno di una musica di sicuro referente jazzistico, però con forti infiltrazioni etniche, com'è del resto usuale nel chitarrista (del quale, en passant, segnaliamo anche Oasis, a doppia firma con l'arpista francese Isabelle Olivier, inciso in quartetto su Enja l'anno dopo questo A Throw of Dice, 2018 ...

Album Review

Rez Abbasi: A Throw Of Dice

Read "A Throw Of Dice" reviewed by Friedrich Kunzmann

No matter what style of music Rez Abbasi tackles, he always makes it sound exciting, fresh and uniquely his own. The American guitarist and composer is known for his individual spin on jazz, which is as deeply rooted in western jazz doctrine as it is in traditions of his Pakistani heritage. Be it in the context of Indo-American fusion group Invocation—the outfit in which he plays alongside fellow like-minded contemporaries Rudresh Mahanthappa and Vijay Iyer—or in the wake of his ...

Album Review

Rez Abbasi: A Throw Of Dice

Read "A Throw Of Dice" reviewed by Dan McClenaghan

Rez Abbasi has written a score for a 1929 movie—not an everyday jazz endeavor, but that is what the guitarist/composer does with his thirteenth recording. This after-the-fact soundtrack composing, though rare, is not unprecedented. In 2015 guitarist Aram Bajakian wrote and self produced a recording--an unofficial soundtrack--to the 1969 Soviet film The Color Of Pomegranates, an exploration of the life of the Armenian poet, Sayat-Nova. Abbasi, for his inspiration, writes a score for the vintage black and white ...

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Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Eclipse: State Of The...

Irabbagast Records


A Throw Of Dice

Whirlwind Recordings


Mystery Rising

From: A Throw Of Dice
By Pawan Benjamin

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