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Skye Steele

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Album Review

Michael Blake: Dance of the Mystic Bliss

Read "Dance of the Mystic Bliss" reviewed by Vincenzo Roggero

Veterano della scena downtown newyorchese,Michael Blake porta al debuttto sulla propria etichetta P&M Records, Chroma Nova, ensemble dalla configurazione particolare con quattro strumenti a corda, due percussionisti brasiliani, il leader ai sassofoni e, per la prima volta su disco, al flauto. Difficile individuare un centro gravitazionale preciso in Dance of the Mystic Bliss, forse un'intrinseca vena melodica presente nelle dieci composizioni tutte a firma Blake, ma sarebbe fare torto alla grande varietà di atmosfere, di tessiture e di groove che ...

Album Review

Michael Blake: Dance of the Mystic Bliss

Read "Dance of the Mystic Bliss" reviewed by Jerome Wilson

This is saxophonist Michael Blake's new group, Chroma Nova, which contains guitar, violin, cello, bass and two Brazilian percussionists. They play a set of compositions, inspired by Blake's late mother, dancer Merle Blake, which rely on fluid rhythms and textures taken in many different directions. Blake is often the main solo voice here but he also blends in with the other instruments to create all kinds of intriguing sonic fabrics. For example, “Topanga Burns" starts with a stately ...

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Performance / Tour

Logan Richardson Group Featuring George Garzone (Fri) Skye Steele Group (Sat) Entertaining Science (Sun) this weekend at the Cornelia St. Cafe

Logan Richardson Group Featuring George Garzone (Fri) Skye Steele Group (Sat) Entertaining Science (Sun) this weekend at the Cornelia St. Cafe

Source: All About Jazz

CORNELIA STREET CAFE 29 Cornelia Street, NYC, New York212-989-9319 www.corneliastreetcafe.com between West 4th and Bleecker Sts, Greenwich Village 1,9 Subway to Sheridan Square; A, C, E, B, D, F to West 4th St. Fri Feb 03 PINK PONY POETRY Jackie Sheeler's open mic poetry series. Arrive before 6 pm to sign up. Jackie's feature tonight will be Cheryl Boyce Taylor. 6:00PM Jackie Sheeler. Cover $6 www.poetz.com LOGAN RICHARDSON GROUP FEATURING GEORGE GARZONE (Logan Richardson, alto & soprano saxophone;George Garzone, saxophones;Matt ...



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