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Sunny Kim

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Album Review

Sunny Kim, Vardan Ovsepian, Ben Monder: Liminal Silence

Read "Liminal Silence" reviewed by Alberto Bazzurro

Un felice cocktail acustico/elettr(on)ico con sostanziosa e significativa presenza vocale (quindi triplice) è quanto ci giunge da questo album, inciso nella primavera 2023 da una cantante coreana trapiantata in Australia, un pianista estone e un chitarrista statunitense (il più noto dei tre). Un ventaglio geografico così composito, evidentemente, non poteva non dar vita a un progetto altrettanto composito, per quanto, come si diceva, assolutamente coeso nei percorsi e negli esiti. Nella vocalità di Sunny Kim c'è addirittura ...

Album Review

Sunny Kim and Ben Monder: The Shining Sea: Live at Olympus Hall

Read "The Shining Sea: Live at Olympus Hall" reviewed by Dave Wayne

People who know me know that I am not particularly interested in jazz vocals or straight-up renditions of jazz standards. One of my hobbies is playing the drums, and I am also not really motivated to listen to music without drums or some sort of percussion. So, I put off reviewing The Shining Sea: Live at Olympus Hall a bit longer than usual, as it contains several jazz standards, a vocalist, and no rhythm section. Yet, I had really enjoyed ...

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Book / Magazine

Photonality Jazz Series Publishes New Book "Faces" with Sunny Kim from Prana Trio 2008 Performance at Chris' Jazz Cafe, Philadelphia Pa.

Photonality Jazz Series Publishes New Book "Faces" with Sunny Kim from Prana Trio 2008 Performance at Chris' Jazz Cafe, Philadelphia Pa.

Source: All About Jazz

“Faces" is a visual music composition using the medium of Photonality. This work is from the January 31, 2008 performance of Prana Trio with Sunny Kim, Brian Adler and Carmen Staaf, at Chris' Jazz Cafe, Philadelphia Pa. Photonality is a fusion of the vocal music of Sunny Kim integrated with the properties of photography. Sunny's vocals range from an almost silent hum to a guttural echo from the depths within. The journey through the winding, electronically manipulated vocal music range ...


Performance / Tour

Michael Lydon (Tue) Soul of the Blues (Wed) Gnu Vox: Maria Neckam & Sunny Kim (Thu) Gerald Cleaver's Violet Hour (Fri-Sat) This Week at Cornelia Street Cafe

Michael Lydon (Tue) Soul of the Blues  (Wed) Gnu Vox: Maria Neckam & Sunny Kim (Thu) Gerald Cleaver's Violet Hour (Fri-Sat) This Week at Cornelia Street Cafe

Source: Jim Eigo, Jazz Promo Services

CORNELIA STREET CAFE 29 Cornelia Street New York, NY 212-989-9319 between West 4th and Bleecker Sts, Greenwich Village 1 Subway to Sheridan Square; A, C, E, B, D, V, F to West 4th St. This Week At Cornelia Street Cafe Tue Jan 22, 8:30PM JAZZ AND LOVE SONGS - MICHAEL LYDON AND FRIENDS Michael Lydon, guitar, vocals; Claire Daly, baritone saxophone; Ellen Mandel, piano; Dave Hofstra, bass; Rudy ...




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