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Murray Low

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Album Review

Charged Particles: Live at the Baked Potato!

Read "Live at the Baked Potato!" reviewed by Mark Sullivan

The late tenor saxophonist Michael Brecker was held in the highest regard by fellow saxophonists, while at the same time being seen as far too eclectic to be part of the jazz pantheon (due in no small part to his sideman work in rock and pop). This album focuses on Brecker as composer, spanning three decades of his work, and honoring his performance practice as well. There was no attempt to recreate his legendary chops, but the group was careful ...

Album Review

Wayne Wallace Latin Jazz Quintet: The Rhythm of Invention

Read "The Rhythm of Invention" reviewed by Angelo Leonardi

Da qualche tempo anche il latin jazz di matrice afro-cubana cerca nuove forme d'espressione, pur rispettando i suoi caratteri tipici. In questo nuovo lavoro il quintetto di Wayne Wallace amplia quanto iniziato nel precedente Canto America dove coniugava ritmi del folklore caraibico e motivi del tipico latin jazz con orchestrazioni per archi. La produzione attuale è meno ambiziosa della precedente dov'era coinvolta l'Orquestra Sinfonietta—una nutrita formazione da camera per un totale di trenta musicisti—ma sempre efficace. Ora ...

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Connecting Latin Jazz Professionals with Students: Murray Low, Doug Beavers, and the Stanford Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble

Connecting Latin Jazz Professionals with Students: Murray Low, Doug Beavers, and the Stanford Afro-Latin Jazz Ensemble

Source: The Latin Jazz Corner by Chip Boaz

Jazz education is a tough road that requires hard work and focus; it’s also an entry point into an obscure process that can be somewhat confusing. There’s an incredible amount of information that needs to be consumed, but in most cases, spending all your time in book study won’t help your become a better jazz musician. It demands a good deal of practical experience playing your instrument alongside other musicians, but spending all your time in jam sessions takes away ...



Jun 15 Sat
Chris Trinidad Trio
Sky Cafe
South San Francisco, CA
Jul 29 Mon


Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Live at the Baked...

Summit Records


The Rhythm of...

Patois Records


Offshore Echoes

Red Jazz


The Rhythm of Invention

From: The Rhythm of Invention
By Murray Low

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