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Matthew Davis

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Album Review

Gustavo Cortinas: Live in Chicago

Read "Live in Chicago" reviewed by Hrayr Attarian

Chicago composer and drummer Gustavo Cortinas is a musician with a message, one of social justice. He delivers it in a style that fuses the melodic sensibilities of his ancestral Mexico with the complex syncopations of jazz. The exciting Live in Chicago documents an unedited, two-set concert that was recorded at Constellation Chicago on December 15, 2022. The quintet interprets ten Cortinas originals, some of which appeared on his magnum opus, the multifaceted and provocative Desafío Candente (Woolgathering, 2021).

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Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Live in Chicago

Desafio Candente Records


The Almighty

Division 81


Perspective (Peace + Love)

From: The Almighty
By Matthew Davis

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