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Outside by Kari van der Kloot

From the album

"Outside" by

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Album Title: Window
Label: TPR Recordings
Released: 2024
Duration: 01:03:55


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About the Album

Kari van der Kloot’s third album Window draws elements from different genres of music while keeping the spirit of jazz at the forefront. Window is anchored by Kari’s ethereal vocals floating over rich, earthy layers of flutes and synthesizers, and nuanced and thoughtful playing by the rhythm section. Featuring ten original compositions (including a setting of a poem by Pablo Neruda), the music glides seamlessly between intricately arranged ensemble playing and improvised abandon. Kari has an innate skill for crafting approachable melodies that belie the depth and complexity of her compositions. This album features a stellar cast of New York based musicians: flautist Elsa Nilsson, keyboardist Jamie Reynolds, bassist Gary Wang and drummer Nathan Ellman-Bell. This is an ensemble that has been working together for years, and it certainly shows. Kari’s longtime rhythm section plays with a masterful level of communication. The addition of flute phenom Elsa Nilsson to the quintet adds a unique and unexpected layer to Kari’s songs. Together, these five musicians establish an atmosphere of trust and freedom throughout the album. Each musician’s individual voice shines through clearly in each song while they weave a multi-layered musical tapestry together. With an inquisitive and searching tone, Kari vulnerably lays it all on the line. Many of these songs were written during the early days of the pandemic in New York City: Kari’s deeply personal lyrics reflect on the difficult balance between isolation and the needs of a community, as well as the growth that can come from periods of solitude. Totem was inspired by the work of Ruth Bader Ginsberg and features a swirling, fast-moving onslaught of chords with fleeting moments of repetition. The song Trust Exercise explores trust issues while featuring a mysterious, hard-to-grasp intro of layered flutes and vocals. Sprout shows the ensemble communicating at its best, revisiting past trauma and the growth it inspires. The album culminates with Keeping Quiet, a setting of Pablo Neruda’s poem A callarse. A stunning duet between Kari and pianist Jamie Reynolds, Neruda’s text implores us to take the time to be still in our lives. Window was released worldwide on Friday, May 3rd 2024 on TPR Records.


Outside; Trust Exercise; Tiny Threads; Sprout; Tattoo; Cost; Snow Angels; In Between; Totem; Keeping Quiet


Date featured

June 28, 2024

This song appears by permission of the contributing artist and/or record company.
It is for personal use only; no other rights are granted or implied.

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