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Articles by Corey Hall

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Miguel Zenon Celebrates Sonero!

Read "Miguel Zenon Celebrates Sonero!" reviewed by Corey Hall

As the song's lyrics about freedom were sung, the child's conscience consumed them whole. This child, ten years young at the time, had never heard the singer, Ismael Rivera, or the song, “Las Tumbas," before, but, three decades later, this initial impression remains in Miguel Zenon's memory. “I was taken by the song's overall structure and the way his voice worked within the song," said Zenon, an alto saxophonist, composer, and band leader, whose music has earned him ...

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Bobby Broom: Classic Compositions from Yesterday to Today

Read "Bobby Broom: Classic Compositions from Yesterday to Today" reviewed by Corey Hall

What would your sensibilities say if an established jazz guitarist, supported by organ and drums, reinterpreted Seals and Crofts' “Summer Breeze," the Beatles' “Come Together," and Steely Dan's “Do It Again"? Perhaps you have heard this guitarist before with Sonny Rollins or Stanley Turrentine; maybe you heard the album where his guitar-acoustic bass-drums trio performed all Monk tunes. And now you see him leading the Organi-Sation, featuring organist Ben Paterson and drummer Kobie Watkins This ensemble's debut recording, ...

Catching Up With

Stu Mindeman and trio explore a Chick Corea classic at the Chicago Jazz Festival

Read "Stu Mindeman and trio explore a Chick Corea classic at the Chicago Jazz Festival" reviewed by Corey Hall

When reflecting on his 1968 recording Now He Sings, Now He Sobs, Chick Corea shared the following with jazz journalist Don Heckman: “The title...comes from I Ching, an ancient Chinese book that I was into in the '60s when I was studying different philosophies and religions. It's also known as the Book of Changes. And it has a section named “Now He Sings; Now He Sobs--Now He Beats The Drum; Now He Stops." The poetry of that phrase ...

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