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Live Review

Magic Malik Fanfare XP3 at New Morning

Read "Magic Malik Fanfare XP3 at New Morning" reviewed by Bertrand Herer

Magic Malik Fanfare XP3 New Morning Paris, FranceMarch 26, 2023 The New Morning is located in the center of Paris, one mile from the now, sadly, infamous Bataclan. The late Roy Hargrove loved this place and wrote “Strasbourg Saint Denis" in reference to this venue. On Saturday, March 26, 2023, the club featured the band Magic Malik Fanfare XP3. This band is led by “Magic" Malik Mezzadri, born in Abidjan and raised on ...

Jazz in Long Form

Striving for Music: Joe Henderson and Phil Woods' Struggles Performing with Emphysema

Read "Striving for Music: Joe Henderson and Phil Woods' Struggles Performing with Emphysema" reviewed by Bertrand Herer

Introduction Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a highly prevalent respiratory condition, an important cause of lost life years and its importance is still growing. By 2030, COPD is expected to be the fourth leading cause of mortality, morbidity, and disability worldwide. It is usually caused by significant exposure to noxious particles or gases, including inhaled tobacco smoke.1 Despite a large number of quantitative studies, there are comparatively few qualitative studies that have explored the perspectives of patients ...

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