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Relax Girl

Sioux Robbins

Label: A. I. R. Records
Released: 2022
Duration: 00:32:00
Views: 332


1. As I Breathe - Music & Lyrics Sioux Robbins 2. Scares Me - Music & Lyrics Sioux Robbins 3. It Keeps You Running - Music & Lyrics Michael McDonald 4. Relax Girl - Music & Lyrics Sioux Robbins 5. All The Time in The World - Music & Lyrics Sioux Robbins 6. Gentleman Friend - Music & Lyrics Sioux Robbins 7. Ultimatum - Music and Lyrics Sioux Robbins


Additional Personnel / Information

Sioux Robbins - Piano & Vintage Wurlitzer EP & Background Vocals Jim Stager - Bass Eric Johnson - Drums Scott McGinley - Synth Kenny Kearns - B3 Alex Shaw - Percussion on As I Breathe & All The Time In The World Produced, Engineered and Mixed by Derek Chafin Mastered by Peter Humphries Masterwork Studio

Album Description

Her debut album Relax Girl is a seven song journey through R&B, Pop, and Latin with a clearcoat of Jazz. Old school songwriting reminiscent of the 70’s with a bright new polish. Produced by Derek Chafin of A.I.R records. She wrote the music and lyrics, except for the one cover song, sang all the vocals and played the pianos on this album. Her lyric writing is poetic and thought provoking, and the music is fresh and a bit nostalgic at the same time. Her vocals reveal a sound uniquely her own. It starts out with the song As I Breathe, an ode to a love lost. Acoustic piano and synth open the song and then the band launches into a swaying, flowing latin rhythm. She purrs at times, soars into soprano territory and back while the band and background vocals keep her aloft. The song Scares Me is next. It’s a confession of vulnerability and love in a classic Pop/R&B ballad style. She plays a vintage Wurlitzer electric piano from the 70’s and and vocally just lays it out on the table. Reminding us all that yes, new love and vulnerability can be scary. Next is a cover of the Doobie Brothers song It Keeps You Running. Written by Michael McDonald. You may not recognize you’ve heard this song before, until she gets to the chorus. She took a bouncy 70’s pop song and turned it into a sexy, bump and grind, old school R&B ballad. Relax Girl is the title track and it’s pure pop with a subtle nod on the piano to Lennon and McCartney. It’s a positive uplifting pep talk that launches into a jam on the bridge. All the Time in the World is next and it’s a chill Latin with clever lyrics and a memorable hook. Gentleman Friend is a pop ballad about one of those friends you might be thinking about in a different way but circumstances prevent anything from happening. Ultimatum is the icing on the cake, a blend of EDM and Latin. I can picture hearing remixes of this one in the future. It’s a breakup song and that’s all I’m going to say. This debut album shows not just her strength as a singer but her possibly greater strength as a songwriter. The production is crisp and bright and the band is excellent.



Album uploaded by Sioux Robbins

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Recordings: As Leader | As Sideperson

Relax Girl

A. I. R. Records


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