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Margin Call

Daniel Stahre

Label: AMP Music & Records
Released: 2022
Duration: 32:33
Views: 1,049


Margin Call; Waltz no. 2; Dear Old Gothenburg; When God Created Crypto; Esther; Blues for Greta; Ending


Viktor Turegård
bass, acoustic
William Wingbro
guitar, electric

Album Description

AT0116 Gothenburg-based pianist and songwriter releases his new instrumental album ‘Margin Call’ together with his newly assembled quartet. Daniel Stahre (piano) Viktor Turegård (double bass) Erik Bodin (drums) William Wingbro (electric guitar) TRACKLIST 1. Margin Call 2. Waltz No. 2 3. Dear Old Gothenburg 4. When God Created Crypto 5. Esther 6. Blues for Greta 7. Ending Stahre is a classically trained pianist, raised in Linköping, Sweden. He has been active in Stockholm for the last 10 years, writing and playing music in various constellations. Alongside Stahre on piano and composition, we find drummer Erik Bodin (Little Dragon), bassist Viktor Turegård (Franska Trion) and guitarist William Wingbro. The music is lyrical, fine-tuned and melodious and can be described as being in the borderland between film music, jazz and pop. The songs are based on strong themes with a clear rhythm or melody. But they are also deliberately quite simple and hopefully easy to listen to. Perhaps, the strive for musical simplicity is also reaction to Stahre’s legacy of classical music. The title “Margin Call” is a term used in the financial industry when one has exceeded their credit margin and needs to cover or close their positions. It hints that we as humans, create notions of our reality that can be difficult to shake. In society, we do something similar when we over-borrow with a climate debt and large private loans. The inspiration behind the album comes partly from the intersecting reality between family life and from major societal issues concerning climate change, macroeconomics and the Covid pandemic (this was before the Ukraine war). Also, partly a result of thinking and processing about these issues during the lukewarmness of family life. The album is recorded and produced by the recurring Åke Linton, famous for producing many albums of Esbjörn Svensson Trio.

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