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Brent FIscher Orchestra PICTURES

Brent Fischer

Label: Clavo Records
Released: 2021
Duration: 40 minut
Views: 360


1. Promenade 2. Gnome 3. Promenade II 4. Castle 5. Promendae III 6. Garden 7. Landscape 8. Promenade IV 9. Chicks 10. Contrast 11. Promenade V 12. Bazaar 13. Catacombs 14. Liftoff 15. Gateway


Brent Fischer
composer / conductor
Larry Koonse
guitar, electric
Quinn Johnson
Kirsten Edkins
saxophone, tenor

Additional Personnel / Information

PICTURES features Brent Fischer Orchestra (BFO) with twenty top-tier Los Angeles musicians to include: Larry Koonse on guitar, Jamey Tate on drums, Ken Wild on bass, and Quinn Johnson on keyboard. The stunning Fischer woodwind and brass colors are played by Carl Saunders, Ron Stout, Michael Stever, Andy Martin, Scott Whitfield, Francisco Torres, Rob Hardt, Alex Budman and Kristen Edkins.

Album Description

PICTURES is the most recent album from Grammy®-winning producer, composer, and band leader, Brent Fischer with his modern interpretation, for big band, of Mussorgsky’s classic: Pictures At An Exhibition. PICTURES is arranged by Brent Fischer in ten movements and five interludes with approximately forty minutes of vibrant big band music. The Deluxe CD offers three additional bonus tracks, alternative studio takes featuring brilliant solos and sections. “I’ve changed the mood in Mussorgsky’s movements and given them playful jazzy spin," says Fischer of the new titles: Garden (Tuileries) plays like a lush samba, In Chicks (Ballet , Woody Herman meets charles Ives. Bazaar (Limoges) showcases Fischer wind choir that includes piccolo, alto flute, and contrabass clarinet. Then there's, Gateway (Gate) and LiftOff! -- two movements inspired by NASA’s Gateway project (Moon’s International Space Station) and mission Artemis 2024. "After all, that's why agencies like NASA exist - to help solve problems here on Earth and make our lives better. Smart phones and GPS exist thanks to international efforts in space," says Fischer. The album art for PICTURES imagines an art exhibit on the moon! PICTURES swings and exudes energy. It sparkles with Latin and Brazilian rhythms in a big band orchestration setting. In his arrangement, Fischer preserves the essence of the original masterpiece while staying firmly within the modern jazz idiom. Pictures sounds like an abstract expressionism, with layered imagery that’s complex and colorful. You hear surprises at every corner —funk, rock, and blues rhythms blend in a meticulous and deeply personal expression that’s Fischer sound. The Music is bold and up-beat throughout. Brent who directs the big band, plays his signature 6-mallet-grip vibraphone on select movements. PICTURES is produced by Brent Fischer for Clavo Records and recorded at the Village Studios with engineer Matt Brownlie. Fischer talks about his inspiration for PICTURES. “As a percussion major at Northridge University, I had the opportunity to listen to the more active players in the band and the idea was hatched! Over the years, our live performances have inspired me to develop the arrangements you hear on this album today,” says Brent who kept the musicians working during the Covid pandemic. “There’s nothing more exciting than hearing this music when you’re playing in the middle or conducting in front of the Fischer ensembles. The next best thing is to hear the recording! My PICTURES is rooted in American jazz, and inspired by images of nature from my travels, architectural photographs from my home (book: Preserving Los Angeles) and my big passion: space exploration. Like music, science aims to improve lives and encourages collaboration. Music and math are both universal languages that decode nature and human emotions. There’s something for everyone in this music, young and young at heart,” adds Fischer. Available at major retailers and at https://brentfischer.com/



Album uploaded by Claris Dodge

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Clavo Records


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